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Booking Fee
Donation - 20 Pounds

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Tickets are non-refundable. Please make sure you have the correct tickets before confirming your order.

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Gift Aid

Gift-Aid can be applied to Donations and Friends Membership only.

I want the Hurst Festival to treat all donations I have made since 6th April 2011 and all donations hereafter, until I notify you otherwise, as Gift Aid donations. I declare that I pay sufficient UK tax to cover the tax reclaimed by Hurst Festival on my donations.

Upgrade to Friends Membership

Friends membership costs just £25 a year and gives you access to a two week priority booking period before tickets go on sale to the general public.

As well as this early opportunity to purchase tickets Friends receive an exclusive invitation to the Friends of the Festival Launch event.

During the 2 weeks of the Festival local businesses have great offers solely for Friends of the Festival.